Monday, March 1, 2010

30th Annual Carnaval 2010

It is that time of the year again, and KU's BRASA is throwing its 30th annual Carnaval party. With live performances by Jorge Palmares, Contra Mestre Ninja, Rick, Brazilian dancers, and DJ Jalapeño, the party is sure to be a blast!

When: March 6th, 9pm - 2am
Where: Abe & Jake's Landing (Downtown Lawrence, KS)
Cost: $10 at SUA Office (KS Union) or with BRASA Board Members

For more information, contact

Semana Brasileira / Brazilian Week

Brazilian Week at KU will start on March 1st, and we will have many opportunities for KU students and Brazilians to celebrate Brazil here at KU. Come and celebrate with us another Brazilian Week at KU!!!

Monday March 1st:
Feijoada at ECM, 5:30 pm (we will be charging $3 a plate)

Tuesday March 2nd:
Capoeira Workshop/ Contra mestre Ninja from Kansas City.
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm Brazilian Capoeira
Where: Jayhawk Room

Thursday March 4th:
Dance Workshop with Instructors Rafa de Marco e Jana
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Parlor ABC

Friday March 5th:
Brazilian Table/ Mesão Brasileira
Time: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Where: Big 12 Room, Kansas Union

Saturday March 6th:
Carnaval w/ Jorge Palmares, Contra Mestre Ninja, Rick, Brazilian Dancers, and DJ Jalapeño
Time: 9:00 pm - 2:00 am
Where: Abe and Jake's

Friday, January 22, 2010

Micareta Folia

The BRASA board would like to invite you all to our first Micareta Pre-Party of the year, Micareta Folia, on February 13th at the Chateau.

2412 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS 66046
Phone: 785-856-1514



The Micareta will be a pre-party/fundraising event for Brasa's main event of the year: The 31st annual Carnaval Party!!!! We will do the Micareta at Wilde's Chateau 24, which is one of Lawrence's new hot spots! Every night is an adventure with ever changing line-ups of DJs, drink specials, amazing staff, and a great atmosphere.

Come and dance funk, axé, and samba with us! We will have the stage available if you want to dance axé and lead the crowd!!!!! There will also be Brazilian drinks available at the bar!!!!

Este ano o BRASA está fazendo uma Micareta antecedendo o nossa festa de Carnaval em março. A gente vai fazer a nossa Micareta fora de época no novo clube aqui de Lawrence Chateau, um clube bem bacana com uma estrutura incrível. Venha dançar axé, funk e samba com a gente!!! O palco vai ficar aberto para quem quiser liderar a galera no axé, basta falar com nós e separamos a música que vc queira dançar!!! Também teremos caipirinhas no bar!!!!

We hope to see everyone there!!!!!

A Primeira Mesa Brasileira

This semester promises to be very active for BRASA, and to kick off the festivities, we will be having our first Mesa Brasileira (Brazilian Table) of the semester this Friday at Henry’s. Please note that we have decided to move the time to 5:30 pm so that there are not conflicts with your plans for later in the evening.

Since this will be our first Mesa Brasileira of the semester, we will be serving Brazilian goodies to further stimulate your Portuguese skills!

Finally, please also mark your calendars for our first fundraising event of the semester, which will take place on February 13th at the Chateau. More details are soon to come!